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Title: About one inverse problem in the theory of linear differential equations with measures as coefficients (English)
Title: O jednom inverzním problému v teorii lineárních diferenciálních rovnic s mírami jako koeficienty (Czech)
Author: Wyderka, Zdzisław
Language: English
Journal: Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
ISSN: 0528-2195
Volume: 115
Issue: 1
Year: 1990
Pages: 1-8
Summary lang: English
Summary lang: Czech
Summary lang: Russian
Category: math
MSC: 34A55
idZBL: Zbl 0696.34010
idMR: MR1044008
DOI: 10.21136/CPM.1990.108724
Date available: 2009-09-23T09:55:41Z
Last updated: 2020-07-28
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] Z. Wyderka: Linear differential equations with measures as coefficients and control theoгy.(to appear in Časopis pěst. mat.). MR 1292252


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