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quasicontinuous space; hypercontinuous lattice; $SI$-continuous space; locally hypercompact space; meet continuous space
We lift the notion of quasicontinuous posets to the topology context, called quasicontinuous spaces, and further study such spaces. The main results are: (1) A $T_{0}$ space $(X,\tau)$ is a quasicontinuous space if and only if $SI(X)$ is locally hypercompact if and only if $(\tau_{SI},\subseteq)$ is a hypercontinuous lattice; (2) a $T_{0}$ space $X$ is an $SI$-continuous space if and only if $X$ is a meet continuous and quasicontinuous space; (3) if a $C$-space $X$ is a well-filtered poset under its specialization order, then $X$ is a quasicontinuous space if and only if it is a quasicontinuous domain under the specialization order; (4) there exists an adjunction between the category of quasicontinuous domains and the category of quasicontinuous spaces which are well-filtered posets under their specialization orders.
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