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Title: Jednoduchý neparametrický test rozdílnosti polohy dvou populací (Czech)
Title: A simple nonparametric test of the difference of location of two populations (English)
Author: Šidák, Zbyněk
Author: Vondráček, Jiří
Language: Czech
Journal: Aplikace matematiky
ISSN: 0373-6725
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Year: 1957
Pages: 215-221
Summary lang: English
Summary lang: Russian
Category: math
Keyword: statistics
MSC: 62-0X
idZBL: Zbl 0109.12701
idMR: MR0090203
DOI: 10.21136/AM.1957.102568
Date available: 2008-05-20T17:08:40Z
Last updated: 2020-07-28
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] S. Rosenbaum: Tables for a nonparametгіс test of location;.Ann. Mat. Stat. 25 (1954) No. 1, str. 140-150. MR 0061314
Reference: [2] S. S. Wilks: Statistical prediction with special reference to the problem of tolerance limits;.Ann. Mat. Stat. 13 (1942), No. 4, str. 400-409. Zbl 0060.30602, MR 0007592, 10.1214/aoms/1177731537


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