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Title: Module classifying functors (English)
Author: Dauns, John
Language: English
Journal: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
ISSN: 0011-4642 (print)
ISSN: 1572-9141 (online)
Volume: 42
Issue: 4
Year: 1992
Pages: 741-756
Category: math
MSC: 16D70
MSC: 16D80
MSC: 16D90
MSC: 16S60
MSC: 16S90
idZBL: Zbl 0788.16008
idMR: MR1182204
DOI: 10.21136/CMJ.1992.128358
Date available: 2009-09-24T09:26:16Z
Last updated: 2020-07-29
Stable URL:
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