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Title: On a superconvergent finite element scheme for elliptic systems. III. Optimal interior estimates (English)
Author: Hlaváček, Ivan
Author: Křížek, Michal
Language: English
Journal: Aplikace matematiky
ISSN: 0373-6725
Volume: 32
Issue: 4
Year: 1987
Pages: 276-289
Summary lang: English
Summary lang: Russian
Summary lang: Czech
Category: math
Summary: Second order elliptic systems with boundary conditions of Dirichlet, Neumann's or Newton's type are solved by means of linear finite elements on regular uniform triangulations. Error estimates of the optimal order $O(h^2)$ are proved for the averaged gradient on any fixed interior subdomain, provided the problem under consideration is regular in a certain sense. (English)
Keyword: post-processing
Keyword: averaged gradient
Keyword: elliptic systems
Keyword: second order elliptic systems
Keyword: linear finite elements
Keyword: regular uniform triangulations
Keyword: error estimats
Keyword: optimal order
Keyword: superconvergence
MSC: 32J25
MSC: 65N15
MSC: 65N30
MSC: 73-08
MSC: 73C99
MSC: 74S05
idZBL: Zbl 0636.65116
idMR: MR0897832
DOI: 10.21136/AM.1987.104259
Date available: 2008-05-20T18:32:40Z
Last updated: 2020-07-28
Stable URL:
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