Author: Pidany, Ján
Pidany, Ján:
O možnosti úpravy sústavy dvoch rovníc o siedmich premenných na tvar $A_{6,7}=A_{1,2}+A_{3,4}+A_{3,5}$, $B_{6,7}=B_{1,2}$, ktorý môžeme zostrojiť pomocou nomogramov s priesvitkou o dvoch stupňoch voľnosti.
(Slovak) [About the possibility of transformation of a system of two equations with seven variables into the form $A_{6,7}=A_{1,2}+A_{3,4}+A_{3,5}$, $B_{6,7}=B_{1,2}$ which can be constructed by help of nomogram with a transparent with two degrees of freedom].
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 11
issue 5,
pp. 410-416
Partner of